dad with baby

You ready?!

Our son will be here soon. Probably soon than we expected. His due date is November 30, but Gabrielle is already three centimeters dilated. She learned that at her last trip to the doctor a few days ago.

So baby could come any day now!

The news of our son coming early startled me at first. Oh, we’re ready. Gabrielle, our family organizer, has made sure of that. We have diapers, a car seat, toys, clothing, and all the other baby essentials you can think of.

So we’re ready, but we’re really not. At least I feel that way.

I’m a person of routine. When it gets thrown off, I get thrown off. I was expecting baby at the end of November. I had mentally prepared myself for that for some time. I figured we’d have more time.

Then again, maybe I never would have been mentally ready.

After all, this is something totally new to both of us. Neither of us has had to care for a baby all day, every day. I’m not ready for the unexpected. If I knew what was coming, maybe I would be.

There’s so many questions that neither of us can answer at this point?

Will be good parents?

What’s it like to be a parent?

Will he keep us up at all hours of the night?

If so, how we will handle that?

How will we handle his crying?

Will he be healthy?

Will I want to vomit from changing too many stinky diapers?

Those answers will come in time. For now, we wait for a new person in our lives whom I know for sure will bring us happiness every day.