About Me

My name is Brayton Amrstong. I am a husband to Gabriel and a soon-to-be father (can’t wait!). I enjoy writing, so I figured I’d find a place online to share my thoughts about my lovely wife, our soon-to-be son and anything else that comes up.

You’re probably wondering about “Losifer”. It’s a simple explanation really. It’s the nickname I was given back in junior high. It came about because I was a loser, with big eye glasses and big frames, pants that were way to high on my waist and pimples that dotted my face. I also closely resembled the devil, and maybe still do to an extent. I think it was a combination of my pointy ears and oddly shaped head.

Oh well, I embraced the nickname. Still do, in fact. My wife thinks my classmates were mean, but it didn’t bother me much. Not much does. I guess I’ve always been happy just to have a nickname.

Anyway, I work way too much, and wish I didn’t. I used to write a lot more for my wife. About our relationship, our love, our growth as a couple, and just life in general. She’s sad that I don’t write her often any more. That’s changing today. This blog is dedicated to her. Follow along as I share my deepest thoughts with her and contact me with any thoughts or questions.
